Planned Maintenance

As the name suggests, planned maintenance is maintenance that has been planned. This is maintenance that is completed in order to prevent breakdowns. Planned maintenance causes less disruption because it can be scheduled at a convenient time.


Planned maintenance can include inspecting, servicing, cleaning, adjusting and replacing parts in order to keep equipment running efficiently and effectively for longer.


The benefit of planned maintenance is that you reduce the risk of equipment failure or unplanned breakdowns. It can also extend the lifetime of equipment saving you money in the long term.


In some cases planned maintenance is obligatory. For example, it is a legal requirement for landlords to have an annual gas safety inspection carried out in any rented property.


Planned maintenance should be correctly documented and in some cases, certification is required.



Scheduled planned maintenance refers to planned maintenance that is scheduled to take place. This will be decided by certain factors such as time, usage or condition. For example, you may need to have equipment serviced annually so this could be scheduled well in advance. You may have to have equipment serviced when it reaches a certain usage much like when a car reaches a certain mileage.


Because this maintenance is planned, it means resources, supplies and parts can be arranged in advance and equipment can be shutdown safely. You know exactly when works are scheduled so you can put alternative measures in place to ensure minimum disruption.



Unscheduled planned maintenance refers to maintenance that is planned but cannot be scheduled because you are waiting for an asset to breakdown or fail before carrying out the work. For example, waiting for lightbulbs to blow before replacing them.


You still plan for the maintenance to be carried out; you just do not know when it will occur. This helps you to budget because you can factor in the cost of parts and labour in advance unlike when there is an unplanned breakdown.


You can pre-order parts and supplies which eliminates the inconvenience of waiting for parts to become available or having the wrong parts delivered by mistake.

Our Planned Maintenance Services


At Naylor Mechanical, we offer a range of planned maintenance solutions for all your mechanical and electrical equipment.

  • Plumbing
  • Heating
  • Air conditioning
  • Ventilation
  • Boilers
  • Drains
  • Electrical installations
  • Lighting
  • Fire safety systems
  • Security systems

Our expert team can put together a planned maintenance package that is completely tailored to your needs. No matter how large or small your premises or what type of equipment you have, we can help you keep it running efficiently and effectively for longer.

Get in touch today to arrange a site visit and get peace of mind that all your mechanical and electrical systems are being properly cared for.


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As a landlord, you’ll want peace of mind that your properties are well-maintained and comply with all legal requirements and regulations. We can help. Our landlord packages cover both reactive and proactive maintenance of your gas, plumbing, heating, drainage and electricals. You can be completely confident that your properties are in safe hands.


Our aim is to help your business run as efficiently and effectively as possible by ensuring that all your mechanical and electrical systems are working correctly. As well as carrying out routine maintenance and servicing, we can also take care of emergency breakdowns and repairs. Most importantly we ensure that your systems are health and safety compliant.


If you need specialist contractors to assist you in a client project then get in touch. Whatever the size of your construction project, our expert team can work with you to deliver on time. We take care of electrical, fire, security, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems to ensure you deliver a safe and efficient building to your client.


The safety and comfort of your family are important to us. Our services cover plumbing, drainage, heating, boilers, and electrics. We ensure the safety and efficiency of the systems within your home. The last thing you want is a home left without electricity, heating or water. Our ongoing maintenance services can prevent unexpected breakdowns.